Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Dead Man Talking: Keith Richards Being Mean-Spirited With Assumed Sinister Undertones

Snark from a Cadaverous Guitarist
Keith Richards, the often-stoned Stone, expensive wino, and washed-up pirate   

Opinions made about contemporaries in and out of the industry we refer to as the music business - - -  

Whether you agree or disagree with the man, if you appreciate honest insolence over phony pretense, you gotta respect his frankness

To brother wiedmann: The more[?] sober, Gen Y version of septuagenarian Richards. One of the rare few you'll come across who has no qualms about offering frank & unpopular opinions - while at the same time remaining completely indifferent to the perceptions of others   

Jessica Pallington West's What Would Keith Richards Do?;
Assorted news stories and periodicals